Thursday 20 March 2014

Things to keep in mind while you’re worrying about your belly fat

With the fast-paced lifestyle and multi-tasking becoming a routine, dependability on packaged food and lack of exercise has almost become a norm. More and more people today are giving up on exercise, either due to lack of time or other reasons. While this may not affect everyone the same way, there are many who can see the difference pretty soon, especially around their waist.   Everyone wants to reduce fat from some or other part of the body. And the most common problem area is the tummy.

Here are 6 tips to keep in mind while you’re worrying about your belly fat:
1. Before you target your tummy fat, try to lose the extra fat around your abs by doing cardiovascular exercises that engage multiple muscles. Try circuit training that burns higher amount of calories in a shorter period.
2. There is no such thing as spot reduction when you have a lot of weight to lose. Instead, try to lose some weight, and once you are thin enough, focus on particular areas to get better results.
3. Get more sleep. If you’re not getting enough sleep and only concentrating on the exercises, you’ll end up over-exhausting yourself. This will do more harm than good. You will end up eating more to fight the lethargic feeling. Try to get at least 6-8 hours of sleep per night in order to win in the fight against belly fat.
4. Eat less sugar and calories. Belly fat is easily reduced with a controlled diet. Try to include more protein and fiber rich vegetables that will keep you full for longer, resulting in less snacking between meals.
5. Drink more water as this will keep you satiated and will prevent you from mistaking thirst for hunger.
6. Eat more fat to burn more fat. Consuming healthy fats actually help your body to burn the unwanted fat. Stock up on healthy fats like healthy oil and fish.


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