Sunday 30 March 2014

How to Beat Boredom over the Summer

How to Beat Boredom over the Summer

Summer is always a time of the year when things get boring. Need some help coming up with fun ideas this summer? Read on!


  1. Beat Boredom over the Summer Step 1.jpg
    Beat the heat. If you live in an area where summers are hot, you can have fun and cool off at the same time! Consider these activities:
    • Go to the beach or the pool. Play Marco Polo and have chicken fights, where people sit on each other's shoulders and try to knock each other off. Or play a sport such as cricket, frisbee or football. You can have swimming races and do underwater acrobatics or dive for pennies.
    • Run through the sprinklers. Put on a swimsuit, or just wear some casual clothesyou can get wet. Play some of the usual games you'd enjoy outside (such as tag, hide-and-go-seek, jumping on the trampoline, or red rover) with the added challenge of having a sprinkler or two going in the yard.
    • Have a water fight. Fill up some water balloons, buy a cheap water gun at the dollar store, or find a hose attachment that sprays water further than before, and start a water fight! (Just make sure you don't hit anyone in the face or throw water balloons at breakable surfaces, such as glass.)
    • Make "Finally out of school" cards for friends.
    • Create some shade with a blanket fort. Using light sheets and blankets, put up a blanket fort using chairs, tables and couch cushions for walls. If you want, set up a fan at one end, grab a cold drink, and read a book or take a nap inside.
    • Make popsicles or ice cream. Experiment with different flavors as you get better at making them!
  2. Beat Boredom over the Summer Step 2.jpg
    Play night games. As dusk starts to fall and the temperatures cool off, gather a group of friends to play games like hide-and-seek, sardines, freeze tag or capture the flag in a large yard or park. Bring along a few decks of cards so that, as people start to get tired, you can sit down and play a card game instead.
  3. Beat Boredom over the Summer Step 3.jpg
    Learn a new hobby. Is there something you've always wanted to learn, but didn't think you could? Now's the time! Here are some suggestions:
    • Learn to play a musical instrument.
    • Take up singing.
    • Learn to dance. Or, if you're already a dancer, learn different styles such as ballet, jazz, tap, or modern.
    • Develop your artistic skills. Practice drawing, painting, sculpting, or whatever else inspires you!
    • Photography.
    • Write stories, poems, plays, or jokes.
    • Make a film! Get some friends over and brainstorm some wacky fairytale ideas, then make bin bag paper mache costumes and improvisation, then have fun learning how to edit the movie, a bit of sepia there, some sound warping here, etc. A good place to start is by making a list of all the props locations and actors/willing helpers locally available, then develop a story using a storyboard to plan it . If you have a youtube channel this is even better!
    • Make a radio show. Get a tape recorder and a blank tape and some buds! Write up a list of things you want to include on your show like music, jokes, interviews, and advertisements.
  4. Beat Boredom over the Summer Step 4.jpg
    Play a sport. Summer's a great opportunity to get outside and play! If you don't have a favorite sport yet, there's no better time to pick one.
    • Try riding a bike.
    • Learn to surf.
    • Play basketball, volleyball, tennis, football, or other team sports.
    • Start running every morning or evening, while it's cool enough outside.
    • Go wild swimming.
  5. Beat Boredom over the Summer Step 5.jpg
    Hit up local events. Most areas host fairs, festivals, carnivals, or other fun events during the summer. A very good way of spending the summer is by volunteering or working at a festival. Check your city's calendar online, or ask your parents if they know what's going on. Attend with a group of friends and make an afternoon of it!
  6. Beat Boredom over the Summer Step 6.jpg
    Do some crafts. Craft projects can take time and patience you don't have during the school year, but they're perfect for summertime! Here are some ones to try:
    • Make a heart fold. A heart fold is a piece of paper you fold in half and fill or cover with decorations and sayings and writing and pictures that represent you or make you feel good or happy or however it is you like to feel. Fold a regular piece of paper in half and fill it up!
    • Make wish flags. Cut out rectangular pieces of paper and write a wish in the center. Decorate around your wish and punch a hole through the top. Hang it on a string and string it up in your room or on your door or wherever you want!
    • Make rainbow crayons, or try melting crayons on hot rocks to make art.
    • Make your own slime. Use it for pranks or just to play with!
    • Make your own play dough. Create different colors using food coloring.
    • Make a Solar Hot Air Balloon. These balloons can travel hundreds of miles in a day, and are very easy to make.
    • Learn origami. You can figure out how to fold hearts, boxes, birds, and other great objects.
  7. Beat Boredom over the Summer Step 7.jpg
    Try cooking. If you don't know how to cook or you don't know much about food, now you can learn! Ask your parents for fun recipes, or look online for things you can cook without a stove or oven. Here are some other ideas:
    • Make cold, refreshing smoothies. Try different, even wacky combinations. Make an afternoon out of it: Go to the supermarket and buy weird, interesting ingredients like ketchup and pistachios. Experiment. Make a gross smoothie and dare your friends to drink it.
    • Have a barbecue. Eat burgers, hot dogs, and iced tea. Play bingo on the porch. Have everyone bring in cool prizes that you can compete for.
    • Eat an interesting-looking foreign food. It's fun to try new things!
    • Count how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop.
  8. Beat Boredom over the Summer Step 8.jpg
    Make your own beauty treatments, there are hundreds of natural DIY recipes- mashed avocados make a great face mask! So open up your cupboards.
  9. Beat Boredom over the Summer Step 9.jpg
    Get a summer job. It'll keep you busy, introduce you to new people, and you'll earn money for new stuff! Possibly the best option is to work at a festival.
  10. Beat Boredom over the Summer Step 10.jpg
    Hang out with your pets. Take your pet for a walk, teach it a new trick, give it a bath, or just spend time relaxing together.
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    Start a band. By starting a band, you can make new friends and you can show off your skills.
  12. Beat Boredom over the Summer Step 11.jpg
    Have a clothes swap. Invite all your friends over and tell them to bring a few pieces of clothing they don't wear anymore. Sift through what everyone's brought over!
  13. Beat Boredom over the Summer Step 12.jpg
    Get in touch with your friends. If they're away, make new ones. Ask your friends if they know anyone who's going to stick around for the summer, get their numbers,call them up and say "I'm a friend of ______. He/she told me you were going to be around this summer. Wanna hang out?" And if you're too shy, try calling people you've lost touch with over the years — these are people you already know you can get along with. Plus, you'll have a ton to talk about, either catching up on what you've both been up to or reminiscing.
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    Make a Mentos fountain. Grab a friend. Both of you get a 2 liter bottle of Diet Coke. Both of you should put mentos in each bottle. When the fountain sprouts, see whose fountain goes up higher! (Make sure you each put the same amount of mentos!) Make sure to use mint mentos. They don't have a coating like the flavored ones do, so they explode better.
  15. Beat Boredom over the Summer Step 14.jpg
    Volunteer. Helping your community will give you a good feeling about yourself and will also make good use of your time. Try something in the sun like a beach clean, or working with animals. volunteering also looks good on college applications!


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