To help Riya out, let’s first know what exactly is frizzy hair?
While there are plenty of such reasons that can explain frizzy hair, at the base of all these reasons is one common factor that we overlook i.e. Water! Most of us don’t know this, but drinking enough water throughout the day helps to hydrate the body and hair from within thereby preventing hair from becoming frizzy. Summer heat also tends to take away the precious moisture from hair leaving it moisture less, dry, dull, lifeless and not to mention frizzy.
Why does frizzy hair only affect those with wavy or curly hair?
Is there any way to control/treat/get rid of frizzy hair?
Sure! There is hope for Riya and thousands like her. Frizzy hair can easily be controlled this summer by following a few do’s and don’ts,
Frizzy Hair Do’s:
Cut down your hair’s exposure to the sun and its ultraviolet rays that can damage your hair by taking away the moisture from it, making it appear dry and lifeless with the help of a scarf or a cap or with an umbrella
- A good way to control frizzy hair is to deep condition it every time you wash it. An important thing to remember is that deep conditioners are different from normal conditioners that can be rinsed off 5 minutes after application; deep conditioners are mostly thick in texture and should be left on for at least 10-15 minutes before being rinsed off.
A great way of maximizing the benefits of a deep condition is to wrap your hair up in a warm towel after applying the conditioner, as the warmth of the towel will help the conditioner in better penetration into the hair shaft.
- Another good tip for managing frizzy hair is to give it the hot oil treatment. Using olive oil is advised as it moisturizes your hair better than regular oils. After oiling your hair (especially the ends of your hair), cover it with a towel or a shower cap to retain the heat of the oil which helps it to seep into the scalp and reach the hair roots, nourishing them Wash your hair after 15-30 minutes plus you might want to rinse your hair twice to remove all the oil as it seeps in quite deep.
- Drink water, plenty of water as your hair needs to be well hydrated for retaining its moisture, and what better way to moisturize your hair than from within!
Frizzy Hair Don’ts:
Don’t leave your hair untied or even tightly tied up when it becomes frizzy. A loose bun left resting on the nape of your neck is the perfect hairstyle for those summers when the hair gets frizzy. Don’t wash your hair everyday with shampoo, as it tends to dry out the hair. And if you can’t go without washing your hair every day, try rinsing it with plain water and using a mild conditioner afterwards.
- Avoid doing any chemical treatment to your hair, such as coloring, straightening, perming etc. These can cause considerable damage to your hair texture and give rise to conditions such as split ends and dry hair, that make the hair weak and frizzy
- Do not dry your hair by vigorously toweling it or with a dry blower set on ‘hot air’ flow. Instead to dry your hair, wrap it up in a warm towel for 10-15 minutes or just let it dry naturally
- Don’t eat junk food, as, like our skin, our hair too requires nutrition for maintaining its health – shine, growth and strength.
If Riya, our worried friend follows these simple do’s and don’ts and gets an appropriate hair cut this season, she won’t have to worry a bit about her frizzy mane!
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