Wednesday 19 March 2014

How to Curb Body Odour During Summer

Summer's here and the sweltering heat, humidity and soaring temperatures leave many sweating profusely. We tend to sweat more in regions like the armpits, groin, neck, etc. And this undoubtedly gives rise to a common, embarrassing problem; that of bad odour. Nobody likes to be in close contact with anyone who becomes sticky and smells bad because of sweat. And dousing yourself with deodorants and perfumes may end up making you feel more sticky. Well, you cannot completely eliminate sweating during this season but you sure can curb it to some extent and reduce the odour with the help of these remedies:

1) Use an anti-bacterial soap for your body while bathing.
2) While having a bath, let your body soak in warm water, which has been mixed with a little baking soda. Another remedy is to add some white vinegar to a mug of water and rinse your armpits with it.
3) Dab your armpits with baby talcum powder as it will help to absorb the excess sweat.
4) Remember to drink plenty of water to hydrate and flush toxins out of the body. Dehydration can give rise to bad odour as you sweat. And avoid drinking too much tea and coffee as they cause dehydration in the body.
5) Avoid using anti-perspirant. These tend to clog the sweat glands.
6) Add a few drops of tea tree oil to your bathing water. Alternatively, you can also try adding mint leaves or a little bit of camphor to your bathing water. It will give you a longer lasting freshness.
7) Avoid eating spicy, pungent and oily food. Also, reduce the amount of onions, garlic and cumin seeds in your diet. 


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