Saturday 3 May 2014

5 Simple Ways To Remove Tan


Honey and Lemon


This is a combination that works wonders when it comes to any skin problems. Lemon is a superb bleaching agent and honey is a great moisturiser. To use this on how to remove tan from face and hands at home, you need to apply some honey on the lemon and rub it on the arms for a couple of minutes. Using this regularly for a month will show you great results. This is one of the best ways to remove tan nit just from arms but everywhere else too.

     Potato Treatment


After lemon, another good and natural bleaching agent is potato. Potato piece when rubbed on the face helps to remove tan. The tan is reduced to a lot of extent by using this method. Potato slice should be cut and rubbed on the face or potato juice should be applied.


Aloe Vera


Aloe Vera is also well known for its benefits for the skin and hair. Aloe Vera has properties that can reduce blackness from fan as well. Therefore, it can be used to remove tan from arms at home. All you need to do is use a little aloe gel or aloe extract to rub on the arm. This will also make your face patch smoother and soft. Use this treatment everyday and you will see the difference.

Turmeric and milk


Turmeric is a spice which has healing properties and skin care benefits. It is also a blew hung agent and is used for increasing the complexion by reducing tan of the skin. Milk and turmeric paste is the best tip on how to remove tan from skin at home. You must apply this paste at least once a week to see the benefits. Turmeric and milk paste will also help in repairing the skin of face and hands.

Rose water and lemon


Lemon is a bleaching agent as mentioned above, but it is not directly used as it is very acidic and can damage the  skin. Therefore, another combination of lemon and rose water is also used to remove tan from face and hands at home. This is also a good way as the lemon reduces the tan and blackness while rose water soothes the skin and makes it soft.


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