Tuesday 6 May 2014

Foods To Reduce Body Heat

  Water melon


This water-rich fruit is very effective in reducing body heat to a great extent. Being rich in water, it keeps you hydrated and cool.

Honeydew melon

 This is another fruit that can reduce body heat. During summers, have honeydew melon in your diet.


This summer food is very rich in water and effective in providing cooling effect to the body. Have cucumber ever day to reduce body heat naturally.


 Mint is used as a home remedy to provide cooling effect to the body. Mint leaves juice is the perfect medicine to lower body heat.


 Apart from being water-rich, this vegetable is a rich source of Vitamin C, an antioxidant that lowers body heat. Radishes also has anti-inflammatory properties which is effective for fighting heat stress.


This is one of the home remedies to reduce body heat naturally. Have some sesame seeds with water to stay cool.

Fennel seeds 

Soak fennel seeds in water overnight. Strain and have the water in the morning to lower body heat.

Coconut water 

Drinking coconut water is one of the best home remedies to reduce body heat and fight summer health problems like dehydration.


 Have a glass of pomegranate juice every day to stay cool and lower body heat naturally.

Poppy seeds

 Eat a handful of poppy seeds with water before going to sleep. Poppy seeds induce sleep and also regulates body temperature.

Fenugreek seeds

 It is one of the most popular home remedies to reduce body heat. Eat fenugreek seeds every day if you are suffering from body heat.

Cold milk

 Healthy and cold fluids like milk or lemon juice are effective in lowering body heat. Mix cold milk with honey and have empty stomach in the morning.


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