Wednesday 19 February 2014

How to Clear Chest Congestion

Home Remedies

  1. Clear Chest Congestion Step 01.jpg

    Avoid problem foods.
     Although food doesn’t seem to be related to mucus and phlegm, there is a correlation between the two. Dairy products, salt, sugar, and fried foods all increase mucus production. Cut these items out of your diet until your chest has cleared.

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    Eat beneficial foods.
     On the flip side, there are certain foods that can help to clear out the mucus in your chest and lessen its production. Eat spicy foods, citrus fruits, garlic, and ginger for easy chest congestion relief. In particular, asparagus and pineapple have shown to have chest-clearing benefits as well.
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    Drink tea.
     Hot liquids in general help to dissolve the mucus that causes chest congestion, but tea offers a double punch by adding in helpful herbs and spices that can ease chest pain and congestion. Brew up a cup of peppermint, ginger, chamomile, rosemary, or ginseng tea to drink several times a day. Add a bit of honey for sweetness and extra mucus-fighting power.
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    Do a gargle.
     Gargles aren’t always the most appealing, but they help to break apart mucus in your airways. Mix half a cup of warm water with 1-2 tablespoons of salt, and a pinch of turmeric. Stir the mixture to dissolve the salt a bit, and then take a swig. Gargle it as far down your throat as you are able for 1-2 minutes, 3-4 times a day.
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    Steam it out.
     Similar to drinking hot liquids, the heat and moisture of steam help to break up and dissolve mucus deep in your lungs and throat. Take a super hot shower, or fill a bowl with very hot water. Place your face over the bowl and a towel over your head to trap in the steam. Hold your face there for as long as you are able, and breath deeply as you do.
    • You can choose to add in a few drops of peppermint or eucalyptus essential oil, which may aid in breaking up the mucus.
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    Keep hydrated.
     Drinking plenty of water when you are ill is a must, but is especially helpful in clearing out chest congestion. Not staying hydrated will cause the mucus in your chest and throat to coagulate and thicken, making it stickier and harder to get rid of. Drink water (warm is preferable) throughout the day to thin out the mucus in your body.
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    Elevate your head.
     This tip applies primarily to sleeping; keeping your head elevated will help promote drainage of mucus, rather than a build-up overnight. Use several pillows to try and keep your head raised a bit higher than your torso.
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    Do a bit of yoga.
     Exercise may be the last thing on your mind when you’re sick, but certain yoga positions can help to open up your airways and drain out mucus. Try the reclining bound angle pose, in which you lay a pillow/bolster along the length of your spine on the floor. Lay down on the pillow so that your torso/head are raised above your legs, and then bend your knees. Lay your knees/legs flat on the ground with your knees still bent and the soles of your feet touching.
    • Maintain this pose for 10-15 minutes for the best results.[1]
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    Avoid smoking.
     If you are a smoker and aren’t able to quit, take a hiatus from tobacco while you’re trying to clear out chest congestion. Smoking while ill with too much mucus can significantly worsen your predicament.
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    Try a hot pack.
     Applying a hot pack or steaming hot cloth on your throat and chest will help soothe congestion and warm the airways externally. Lay down with your head elevated, and allow the heat to soak in through your skin for 10-15 minutes. It may be helpful to follow this up with a steam treatment to empty your body of the liquified mucus.


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