Monday 21 July 2014

Fever Diet – Foods to take, foods to avoid during fever

fever diet
Foods to take and avoid during Fever:
  •  One should drink lots of water when affected with fever.  The reason being, viruses and bacteria augment better in dehydrated units and the white blood-fluid units present in our body-fluid function better and the toxins are removed more effortlessly when the body is hydrated properly.
  •  Consume raw fruits and vegetables which can be peeled.
  •  To sustain the functioning of the immune scheme in fever, one should reduce or stop caffeine intake.
  •  During fever one should decline any kind of sugar intake like, soda, any kind of undiluted fruit juice, honey, natural and perfected sugars. The cause behind this is the activity of the killing white blood-fluid cells get slower in sugar nourishment.
  •  Choose to consume food that are cooked, rather than the raw ones. The food should include those with entire seeds, cooked with steam vegetables, soup and diluted fruit juice. The reason is that, raw food are difficult to digest in contrary to cooked food.
  •  Freshly lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit juice extract diluted with half cup water and no sugar or ice should be included in the diet while one is suffering from high temperature.
  •  When suffering from fever, try to give more of fluids like fruit or vegetable juice extracts, iced fruit bars, herbal teas, broths and gelatin. If the fever is accompanied with diarrhea, then include more of semi-solid or soft nourishment like khichri (mashed rice), vegetables soups, supple simmered eggs, cooked with steam vegetables, yogurt, and porridge.
  •  Another food that cold be relied on when in fever is rice porridge with ginger and vegetable broth. This food is very simple to digest and has healing properties.
  •  Foods like turkey, pullet, fish, oatmeal and bananas support the well-being of the organs by generating pollution fighting white blood cells.
  •   Probiotics rich food should be included in the diet as these food are said to be effective in reducing high temperature, hack and length of antibiotic.
Foods which you should be avoided:
  •   Avoid drinking unpasteurized milk or milk products.
  •   Avoid eating red beef, fish, shellfish and any sort of meat as they are high in cholesterol and are not easy to digest.
  •   Beverages like soda, carbonated soft drinks and beverages such as coffee and tea should be avoided.
  •  Having alcoholic, tobacco and smoking should be avoided when suffering from high temperature.


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