Friday 27 June 2014

10 Tips To Protect Eyes From Computer Strain


There is a new kind of ailment that affects young people these days. It is called the computer eye strain. If you do not protect your eyes from the computer screen, you will end up suffering from this condition too. The brightness of the screen puts pressure on the eyes. And staring at the screen continuously can also change the shape of the retina. So, you must learn how to protect your eyes from the computer screen. There are many simple changes you need to make in your computer in order to keep your eyes safe. Computer eye strain can be easily avoided if you put a barrier between your eyes and the screen. You might find the following eye protection tips interesting. Try these tips to protect your eyes from the computer screen.

Lower The Screen Brightness


 As you have to keep looking at the computer screen for the whole day as a part of your job, at least lower the screen brightness. The glare from the screen makes your eyes water.

Wear Glasses Instead Of Lenses


If you wear contact lenses while working on the computer, it can damage your eyes. Lenses make your eyes dry and do not function as a physical barrier between the screen and your eyes.

Wear Anti-Glares 

If you have to wear glasses anyway, add an anti-glare layer to them. All eye care providers and spectacle shops have the option of anti-glares these days.

Blink As Often As You Can

 We are so engrossed in our work that we often forget to blink, this makes our eyes to become dry. Make a conscious effort to blink as often as you can so that your eyes stay moist.

Maintain Distance From The Screen


 Always maintain a decent Distance from the computer screen while working. That is why, it is often better to use desktops as compared to tablets and laptops.

Increase The Font Size 


When you are trying to read something or write quickly, always use a large font size. This reduces the pressure that is being put on your eyes while using the computer.

Do Not Squint Never squint 

when you are trying to read something on the screen. Your tablet or phone has the option of 'maximise', so put it to best use. Squinting really damages your eyes.

Add Screen Optical Guard


 Some people add an optical screen guard over their computer screens to protect their eyes. It may be one of the best ways to reduce the strain on your eyes.

Roll Your Eyes 

Focussing your eyes continuously on the computer screen might make your eyes lazy. So roll your eye over once in a while so that your eyes get some real exercise.

Zero Power Glasses 

Even if you have perfect 6 by 6 vision, it might be worth your money to get yourself some zero power glasses. The glasses help to protect your eyes from the direct glare of the computer screen.


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